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Monday, 20 June 2011

Introducing SOURCE NIGERIA: the official guide to legal Online wealth

Sovereign Undertaking for Revolutionary Cyber Education, SOURCE, was founded in 2010 to bring urgent and immediate change to the ugly Nigerian Online Reputation.
From inception, our mission has been to educate Nigerian youth in crime-free internet businesses though funding from the goodwill of donors in the privates sector individuals who share our vision.
It is true that today, the average Nigerian is denied services today online because of the ugly reputation that our nation has acquired online.
Leading online providers like paypal, clickbank, and ebay have express warnings to their customers not to do business with Nigerians.
Even more embarrassing is the discovery of a deadly virus on the site of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC. There is an effective warning on watchdog sites for people to avoid the EFCC website.
These and many similarly unfortunate situations plague our local online experience. Certainly, it is in no small part to the virulent involvement of our unemployed youth in cyber crime. This, in our honest opinion needs to be addressed with the same urgency as the Niger Delta or Boko Haram militant situation.
While current efforts by the financial crimes watchdog EFCC, are yielding some measure of result, we at SOURCE have invented a novel approach based upon research findings in the field of Psychotherapy and Operant Conditioning.
Thorndike’s Law of Effect:
This law states that behaviors that are followed by pleasant consequences will be strengthened, and will be more likely to occur in the future.
In line with this, we seek a way to purge our youth of cybercrime by helping them discover other legitimate ways of making money online.
Ours is a 3 step model that aims to TRAIN, MENTOR and where feasible, to FINANCE the legitimate online dreams of the teeming rank of our unemployed youth.
  • TRAINING: We will conduct nationwide trainings for youth between the ages of 18 and 25 in the various sectors of legitimate internet service businesses, most of which require little capital but have great income potential. Nations like India and China began these years ago and now stands as the chief destinations of outsourced labor from the western world.
  • MENTORING: By mentoring and follow-up over 90-180 days, we will guarantee their proper education and skill development that will ensure they begin to be gainfully employed.
  • FINANCING: Where possible, and depending on our resources at hand, we will also provide adequate financing for the dreams of our trainees.
The optimized cost of starting an online business is N210, 000 as broken down below;
TRAINING AND MATERIALS                               N25, 000
10” |NETBOOK PC                                                 N55, 000 *optional
6 MONTH INTERNET FACILITY                          N45, 000
DOMAINS AND HOSTING                                    N60, 000
MISCELLANEOUS                                                 N25, 000

                                                                   $500/month after 5 months

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